eCommerce Research

Take the next step in making informed business decisions with our research services at Adxleadx.

Contact us today to learn more and schedule a consultation to see how we can help your business grow.

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Get the Insight and Direction You Need to Succeed

Adxleadx provides qualitative research services to help you gain in-depth insights into your customers and market. Our services include focus groups, in-depth interviews, online communities, shop-alongs, secret shopper visits, and user experience tests. These research methods allow you to gather qualitative data and customer feedback that can be used to make informed business decisions.

Our quantitative research services are designed to help you understand your market through statistical analysis. Our services include surveys, conjoint analysis, MaxDiff tests, cluster analysis, pricing optimization, and product optimization. These research methods allow you to gather quantitative data that can be used to inform and improve your business strategies.

Adxleadx offers brand awareness research to help you measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and understand how your brand is perceived in the market. This research service provides valuable insights into your brand’s performance compared to your competition and helps you identify areas for improvement.

Adxleadx provides buyer persona research to help you understand your customers’ drivers and pain points that impact their purchasing decisions. This research service provides detailed information about your target audience, allowing you to tailor your marketing and product strategies to meet their needs.

Our competitive landscape research service helps you identify the key dimensions used by your competitors to stand apart in the market. This research provides valuable insights into your competition, allowing you to make informed business decisions and differentiate your brand in the market.

Adxleadx offers customer segmentation research to give you a detailed picture of unique customers in your market. This research service allows you to target your marketing and product strategies effectively and efficiently, leading to improved results and a higher return on investment.

Our go-to-market research service provides the necessary inputs to create an effective go-to-market plan. This research helps you understand your market, your customers, and your competition, allowing you to make informed decisions about your product launch or market entry.

Adxleadx provides message testing to ensure that your brand message resonates with customers. This research service helps you understand how your message is perceived by your target audience, allowing you to make changes and improvements to your marketing and branding efforts.

Our price optimization research service helps you uncover the ideal product price point. This research provides valuable insights into your customers’ price sensitivity, allowing you to make informed decisions about pricing and increase your chances of success in the market.

Adxleadx provides product concept testing to show you which products customers will like and why. This research service provides valuable insights into the features and benefits that are most important to your target audience, allowing you to make informed decisions about product development and improve your chances of success in the market.

Our product optimization research service provides the necessary insights to prioritize features that will boost purchase interest. This research helps you understand what your customers want from your products and allows you to make informed decisions about product development and improvement.

Adxleadx offers thought leadership research to fuel your PR and content marketing engine with original and thought-provoking research. This research service helps you build your brand awareness and showcase your leading edge in the industry, leading to increased exposure and a higher return on investment.

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Increased return on investment

Adxleadx’s research services provide valuable information that helps organizations improve their products, pricing strategies, and marketing efforts. By making informed decisions, organizations can improve their results and increase their return on investment.

Improved product development

Adxleadx’s research services provide valuable information about what customers want from products, allowing organizations to prioritize features and benefits and make informed decisions about product development and improvement.

Efficient resource allocation

Research helps organizations focus their resources on areas that will drive the most value, increasing their chances of success.

Improved marketing

Research provides organizations with valuable insights into their market and customers, which can inform their marketing and product development strategies.

Adxleadx is the go-to partner for organizations looking to achieve growth and success through Value Creation & Delivery.

With our customized approach, tailored to meet each client’s unique needs and goals, we ensure that our clients receive the most comprehensive and accurate research results possible.

eCommerce Research

Get the Insight and Direction You Need to Succeed.

eCommerce Auditing

A Comprehensive and Holistic Approach to Ecommerce and Business Audits.

eCommerce Branding

Define, differentiate, and deliver your brand message.

Performance Marketing

Performance-driven results.

eCommerce Optimization

Comprehensive Process Optimization.


Your Next Star Employee with End-to-End Recruitment.

Extensive industry experience

With its founders having years of experience in the digital marketing and eCommerce space, Adxleadx has a wealth of knowledge and understanding of the industry, which gives them a competitive advantage over other companies.

Comprehensive services

Adxleadx offers a wide range of services, including eCommerce Research, Branding, Assessment & Auditing, Performance Marketing, Improvement & Optimization, Recruitment RPO, and Own Brands.

Global reach

With its headquarters in Dubai and active operations in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, adxleadx has a strong presence in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and is well-positioned to tap into the growing e-commerce market in the region.

NutriHealth testimonial

“Adxleadx’s research services have been invaluable in helping us succeed in the competitive world of pharmaceutical eCommerce. Their deep understanding of our industry and customer base has allowed us to stay ahead of the curve, making strategic decisions that have led to real growth and positive results. The data they provide is actionable, accurate, and truly makes a difference in how we do business. We appreciate their personalized approach and the way they work with us as a partner to achieve our goals. We are grateful for the impact Adxleadx has had on our success and highly recommend their services to any pharmaceutical e-commerce company looking to succeed.”

Dr Mahmoud Abo-Dawood


Learn How We Have Helped Leading Organizations

Learn How We Have Helped Leading Organizations

Join us on this journey to transform retail into a value-creating eCommerce experience.

Adxleadx is leading the charge in eCommerce innovation and we want you to be a part of it. Our team of experts, We have a proven track record of success in the industry and a passion for delivering value to both retailers and consumers. Our mission is to empower retailers to reach their full eCommerce potential, through creating, automating and delivering value across digital channels.

“With Adxleadx, you’ll have the tools and support you need to succeed in the ever-evolving eCommerce landscape. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your business to the next level. Connect with us today and discover how our services can help you reach your eCommerce goals.”

Ahmed Mohey El-Deen

AdxLeadx’s Managing Director

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Working Time: 9 AM : 5 PM (GMT+4)
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