Improving value delivery for Nutraceutical Products

Nutraceutical industry faces challenges in providing the desired value to customers, which results in low customer satisfaction and high refund rates. In order to tackle this challenge, it is essential to understand the customer journey and identify areas that need improvement.

High refund rates for Nutraceutical products due to slow effect and low customer satisfaction.

Improving value delivery by conducting a value stream mapping analysis and collecting data from different stages of the customer journey.

Improving Customer Journey for Nutraceutical Products

Improving customer journey involved conducting a value stream mapping analysis and collecting data from different stages of the customer journey such as leads and marketing, operations, delivery and shipping, and after-service.

This helped in identifying areas that needed improvement and restructuring the company to deliver better value to customers.

  • Conducting a value stream mapping analysis

  • Collecting data from different stages of the customer journey

  • Identifying areas that need improvement

  • Restructuring the company to deliver better value to customers

Improved Customer Journey leads to Increased Customer Satisfaction and Reduced Refund Rates.

  • Reduction in refund rate from 40% to less than 1%

  • Increase in revenue by 275%

  • Increase in customer closing ratios and testimonials by 500%

Nutrife came to us with the challenge of selling their nutraceutical product, Tagosyl, which was facing high refund rates and low customer satisfaction. By conducting a value stream mapping analysis, we identified the root cause of the problem to be in the value delivery process.

To address this challenge, we collected data from various touchpoints in the customer journey, including leads, marketing, operations, shipping, and after-service. This data helped us restructure the company’s processes to prioritize customer happiness and value creation.

  • Conducted a value stream mapping analysis
  • Collected data from various touchpoints in the customer journey
  • Restructured the company’s processes to prioritize customer happiness and value creation

By implementing these changes, we were able to achieve remarkable results, including a less than 1% refund rate, a 275% increase in revenue, and a 500% increase in customer satisfaction and happy clients. These results demonstrate the importance of focusing on the customer journey and creating value for the customer.

“We were facing challenges in selling our nutraceutical product due to high refund rates and low customer satisfaction. However, after working with the team at AdxLeadx, our customer journey has been improved, leading to a significant reduction in refund rate and increase in revenue and customer satisfaction. Thank you AdxLeadx for your valuable support.”

adxleadx case studies nutrife
Dr Abdelrahman Dawood

Nutrife’s CEO

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