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We’re a Team of Marketing Consultants, Passionate in Helping Your Business Grow

Creating value, enhancing experience

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Our Story

Career Journey2023-02-21T15:15:10+02:00

Ahmed Mohey El-Deen has had a long and varied career in the digital marketing and eCommerce space. Throughout the years, he has been involved in several companies, starting with Shababy in 2001, Digitaldarb in 2011, Adammar in 2012, Connecommerce in 2013, ROIANS in 2014, eCommerce Gears in 2016, and adxleadx in 2019. His latest venture, Nutrife, was established in 2020.

Each of these companies has allowed Ahmed to explore different aspects of the industry and gain a wealth of knowledge and experience. He is also an author and published an import and export book in 2014, which helped him to gain more insights and knowledge about the market.

Driven by Innovation2023-02-18T18:38:51+02:00

Ahmed has always been a forward-thinking individual, looking for opportunities to learn and grow, and this has been reflected in his career choices. He is driven by a desire to stay ahead of the curve and bring innovative solutions to the market, always looking for ways to improve and evolve. This has been a key driver in his success, and has allowed him to make a positive impact in the industry.

Supporting the Egyptian Economy2023-02-18T18:40:29+02:00

During 2013, Ahmed focused on marketing strategic commodities to support the Egyptian economy, which was suffering after the 2011 revolution. Ahmed played a key role in marketing a wide range of strategic commodities, including agricultural products, energy and metals, which helped to revitalize the economy.

Adapting to a Changing Market2023-02-21T12:14:17+02:00

However, with the political changes in Egypt, the marketing of strategic commodities became limited. In response, in 2015 Ahmed redirected his attention towards eCommerce and founded one of Egypt’s largest online stores, offering a diverse selection of items such as cosmetics, gadgets, tools, appliances, electronics, and more.

Adxleadx Formation2023-02-18T18:40:56+02:00

In 2019, Ahmed joined forces with his past work partner, Mohamed Rashad, an expert in Paid Advertising and Media Buying, and long-time collaborator, Hesham Gaber, whose skills in Software and Website Development and social commerce added further strength to the team. Together, they founded adxleadx.

With the medical manufacturing giant “Medcare” as a partner, they used their marketing expertise to bring successful products to the Nutraceutical market, such as Tagosyl and Croroch, which went on to become two of the most successful weight management supplements in the Egyptian market.

Expanding Reach2023-02-21T12:13:41+02:00

In 2022 With the success of the online store in Egypt and the growing demand for eCommerce solutions in the region, Ahmed and his team decided to expand their reach and establish adxleadx’s headquarters in Dubai. This move allows them to tap into the thriving eCommerce market in the UAE and reach a wider audience in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

In addition to the headquarters in Dubai, adxleadx is also actively running eCommerce operations in Saudi Arabia, capitalizing on the growing eCommerce market in the Kingdom.

As adxleadx continues to grow and expand, they are also offering consulting services to retailers across the MENA region, helping businesses to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape and achieve optimal eCommerce journeys through creating, automating and delivering value across digital channels. This global reach and expertise position adxleadx as a leader in the eCommerce industry, empowering retailers to succeed in the digital age.

Partnering for Success2023-02-21T12:12:34+02:00

As adxleadx continues to grow and expand, they are also actively seeking new partnerships and collaborations with other experienced companies and professionals in the eCommerce industry. By collaborating with other industry leaders, adxleadx is able to offer a wider range of services and expertise to their clients, further solidifying their position as a leader in eCommerce consulting.

We Equip Leaders With Strategy and Vision

Adxleadx’s vision is to transform retail into a value-creating eCommerce journey, where retailers and consumers alike experience the benefits of seamless, personalized and valuable shopping experiences.

Empowering retailers to achieve optimal ecommerce journeys through creating, automating and delivering value across digital channels.

Today’s markets, retailers are facing a number of challenges as they navigate the digital transformation of the retail industry.

One of the most significant challenges is the gap between traditional brick-and-mortar retail and ecommerce.

As more and more consumers shift to online shopping, retailers are struggling to keep up and adapt to this new reality.

Many are finding it difficult to create a seamless and personalized shopping experience across both online and offline channels. Additionally, retailers are facing increased competition from online-only retailers and marketplaces, who are able to offer a wider range of products at lower prices.

This is leading to a decline in foot traffic and sales for traditional retailers. Furthermore, retailers are struggling to effectively leverage data and technology to optimize their operations, personalize their customer experiences, and make data-driven decisions. Adxleadx is here to bridge this gap.

Adxleadx is proud to have built a team of professionals over the years who bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the company.

One such professional is Ahmed Adel, a SEO expert, he brings an in-depth understanding of search engine optimization and has been instrumental in driving success in this area for the company.

Additionally, Mahmoud Hassan, who has a deep understanding of ecommerce affiliate marketing and has been instrumental in driving success in this area for the company.

Dr. Amira Fadel, with her background in corporate excellence at Pfizer, brings valuable insights and experience to the team.

Omar Mohey, a seasoned media buyer for ecommerce, brings his expertise to drive media buying strategy for our clients.

Adxleadx’s team is an exceptional group of experts in their respective fields, and their collaboration with the company allows us to offer our clients cutting-edge solutions and achieve optimal results in all of our projects. If you want to check out our team and their expertise, you can visit the team section on our website.

Our Values

Our Culture

This value emphasizes putting customers and their needs at the center of every decision and action taken by the company.

Adxleadx is driven by a deep-seated passion for what they do and a desire to make a positive impact.

The company is always seeking to learn and grow, continuously seeking new opportunities to improve their processes and offerings.

The company is focused on delivering results and making a tangible impact, striving to achieve the best outcomes for their customers and partners.

The company is dedicated to achieving excellence in everything they do, from the products and services they offer to the quality of their interactions with customers and partners.

The company is committed to providing personalized and tailored experiences to each of its customers, understanding their unique needs and requirements.

The company strives to make its offerings and processes simple and accessible, working to eliminate unnecessary complexity and streamline the customer experience.

Characterized by a focus on communication, collaboration, and trust, this culture is designed to facilitate effective remote work across different countries and time zones.

Characterized by a focus on experimentation, learning, and creativity, this culture is designed to foster innovation and drive growth.

Characterized by a focus on the customer experience, this culture is designed to ensure that all decisions are made with the customer in mind.

Characterized by a focus on flexibility, adaptability, and speed, this culture is designed to support rapid response to changing market conditions.
Characterized by a focus on open communication, this culture is designed to promote trust and build strong relationships among team members.
Characterized by a focus on teamwork, this culture is designed to foster cooperation and achieve shared goals.
Characterized by a focus on learning, growth, and self-improvement, this culture is designed to foster a continuous learning mindset.
Characterized by a focus on achieving results, this culture is designed to promote a sense of accountability and drive success.
Characterized by a focus on giving team members autonomy, this culture is designed to foster creativity and ownership.

Characterized by a focus on diversity and inclusivity, this culture is designed to create a welcoming and respectful environment for all team members.

Characterized by a focus on ethical behavior, this culture is designed to ensure that the company conducts its business in an honest, fair, and responsible manner.

“Working with Adxleadx is an excellent choice for retailers looking to enhance their ecommerce journeys and drive business growth. Their team of experts, with years of experience in digital marketing and ecommerce, brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table.”

Sherif El Masry
Sherif El-Masry

eCommerce Operation Consultant

Transform Your Retail Business